How To Get A Baby To Sleep In Bassinet? – 6 Easy And Helpful Ways In 2023

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How to get a baby to sleep in bassinet

It’s easy to get a baby to sleep in a bassinet, but there’s one problem: they won’t stay asleep. They will wake up after a few minutes of slumber, and you’ll have to start the process again. If you’re tired of this cycle, you must learn how to get your baby to sleep in a bassinet.

For your convenience, I will share 6 easy ways to get a baby to sleep in a bassinet in this guide. Also, I will discuss why a newborn won’t sleep in the bassinet, the importance of sleeping bassinet, and FAQs.

Let’s try to sleep baby in a bassinet 🙂

How to get a baby to sleep in a bassinet? 6 Easy Ways?

1. Use the power of routine

Routine is one of the best ways to help your baby sleep. It helps them know what to expect at night, so they are less likely to wake up if something unexpected happens. Routine also lets parents know what to expect and be prepared for when the baby wakes up.

2. Check the temperature

The room and the baby’s temperature are one of the most common reasons for not being able to sleep through the night. If your baby isn’t sleeping well, check their temperature first before trying to change their surroundings or anything else.

The room’s temperature should be comfortable, in the range of 20 to 22.2C. If the temperature is acceptable, try to figure out what’s going on, then you can look at solutions like changing the bedding or moving the baby into another room.

3. Watch for sleep cues

If you feel your baby is uncomfortable putting in their bassinet, you will want to do everything you can to help them sleep. When a baby begins to show tiredness, it is a good idea to put them to sleep in a bassinet. These signs are called sleep cues. Knowing your baby’s particular sleep cues, such as jerking their arms and legs, yawning, and fussing, is essential.

4. Swaddle your baby

To prevent your child from waking when you place them in the bassinet, wrap your baby like a burrito. Swaddling helps to calm your baby’s startle reflex and prevents them from scratching their skin. It also helps regulate their body temperature and promote better sleep.

5. Comfort your baby

When your baby is in the bassinet, comfort him. Touch their belly, softly pat it, and reassure them that you’re there to help. It’s a good idea to give your child a minute to settle down.

Also, you’ll make sure your baby is safe in the bassinet. Don’t let your baby sleep on a high pillow. And don’t let them have anything sharp in it.

6. Try a lullaby or book

It is a good idea to read a story or sing to your baby at night as it will help them fall asleep after placing them in their bassinet. When you put your baby in their crib, they may realize you are no longer with them. Singing or reading a book lets your baby hear your voice and lets them know you are still around.

A calm, low-toned, and soothing story is a good choice. You can also try white noise machines to help your baby fall asleep faster and to help them sleep for longer at night.

What are the reasons your baby won't sleep in their bassinet?

Baby is uncomfortable

Most newborn babies aren’t comfortable sleeping in their bassinets, so they may struggle because they’re uncomfortable or tired. If your baby has a fever, gas, or reflux, getting them to sleep may be challenging.

The startle reflex appears

Babies are born with a startle reflex called the Moro reflex. When you put your baby down in the bassinet, it can wake them up.

Habits can be difficult to break

Nothing is more comforting than having your snuggly, sleeping baby in your arms. However, This means your baby is just in the habit of sleeping while being held or rocked.

If you have difficulty putting your baby down for naps, they may have become adept at falling asleep in your arms. So, It will take a little effort to learn to fall asleep in a bassinet.

The needs of your baby are not meet

Sleep can be difficult for your baby to sleep if their basic needs are unmet. It can be difficult for you to fall asleep with a hungry tummy. A baby’s sleep changes as they grow. It might be challenging to settle down if your baby is hungry, cold, or has a dirty diaper.

What are the benefits to get a baby to sleep in bassinet?

Safe sleep

Parents must put their babies to sleep in a safe place, and bassinets are perfect. They keep babies safe and don’t risk hurting them. Ensure your baby will not fall out of the bassinet when they wake up at night.

Keep baby safe

Babies have soft skin, and bassinets protect them from bumps and scrapes. They protect babies from hard objects, direct sunlight, and air conditioning.

Protect your baby from illness

Bassinets help prevent babies from getting sick because they’re kept away from germs and bacteria. This keeps your baby safe from colds, flu, ear infections, and other illnesses. To keep your baby healthy, you must regularly clean the baby’s bassinet.

Reduce SIDS risk

Bassinets also reduce the risk of Sudden Infant Death Syndrome (SIDS). A study found that babies who sleep in bassinets are less likely to die from SIDS than those who sleep in cribs.

Prevent bed-related injuries

Cribs and bassinets protect your baby from getting injured when they get out of bed or fall out of bed. They also prevent injuries from toys, chairs, and other furniture.

Keep babies warm

Bassinets keep babies warm. They also help keep babies dry, which reduces the risk of colds, coughs, and diaper rashes.

When should I stop using a bassinet?

AAP recommends that parents can use a bassinet for up to 6 months, and room sharing can reduce SIDS by 50%.

How many hours a baby sleeps in a bassinet?

There is no fixed rule for how many hours a baby can sleep in a bassinet. Your baby can sleep from 2 hours to 8 hours, depending on your baby’s age. This time may change from time to time according to the baby’s sleep.

Is it necessary for me to purchase anything to make my baby sleep in a bassinet?

You do not need any extra things for the baby’s bassinet. If you want a more soft mattress and pillow to make your baby sleep in the bassinet, you can get it, but the bassinet mattress is soft enough for comfortable sleep.

Is a bassinet safe for my newborn baby?

Yes, the bassinet is safe for babies but avoids using sharp edges or corners near the bassinet that can harm the baby.

How do I make my baby sleep on a bassinet?

First, you need to put your baby in a bassinet. Make sure that the baby has enough room to move around. The baby needs to be comfortable. Once the baby is relaxed, you should put a blanket over the bassinet and lay down in the same room with your baby. You can use a baby monitor to ensure your baby is still sleeping.

Why isn't my baby sleeping well in a bassinet?

There are several possible reasons why a newborn isn’t going to sleep in a bassinet. Some of them are here.

  • They don’t like the small space in the bassinet. 
  • They’re either hungry or thirsty. 
  • They are waking up because of their startle reflexes.


To get your baby to sleep in the bassinet, you must understand the baby’s natural sleeping patterns. Once you know how babies sleep, you can create a routine that helps them to fall asleep. You can use some sleep techniques to help your baby sleep better. These techniques are the easiest and the most effective way of getting your baby to sleep in a bassinet.

I hope this article is helpful for you. If you have any questions, mention them in the comment section. 

Keep visiting for the best tips 🙂

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