How To Thicken Baby Puree? – 6 Easy Ways & Full Baby’s Puree Guide 2023

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How to thicken baby puree

There are many ways you can do this when it comes to thickening baby foods. You can add yogurt or wheat germ if you want to thicken purees. You can also use mashed bananas to thicken baby foods and make your homemade thickener! 

For this post, I will share some methods to thicken baby purees, discuss reasons to thicken baby food purees, and discuss some important FAQs.

How to thicken baby puree with the 6 easy ways?

You can use the ingredients on the list to make baby food thick.

  • Mashed potato and banana: You can use any potato you like, but I recommend using sweet potatoes because they’re packed with additional nutrition. Also, you can use mashed bananas to create a thick baby puree.
  • Cooked oatmeal or barley: Oatmeal is the perfect nutritious food for babies and is an excellent source of the nutrients they need. In addition, barley flour helps make bread and pizza crusts. Also, it’s an excellent source of fiber and minerals.
  • Wheat germ: One of the most accessible ingredients to add to a baby’s meal is wheat germ, but make sure to speak with a doctor. Because it may be allergic to some children.
  • Pureed lentils, or you can even use the beans: A superfood ingredient would be the lentils and beans for your child’s diet. They contain a lot of protein, which is excellent for your growing body.
  • Well, cooked egg: Eggs are a good protein source that thickens the baby’s meal. First, make sure the egg is clean. Remove the yolk if you feel the baby does not like it.
  • Yogurt: A great way to get more fruits and vegetables into the meal of babies is by adding yogurt to their diet. Yogurt is packed with protein and provides the required nutrition for your baby’s growth. Also, it makes the food thick.

There are reasons to make the baby food purees thicker.

  • You’ve probably been serving baby food from frozen cubes. If you just defrosted the cube in a microwave, it may have come out quite runny. And if it was thawed by leaving it on the countertop, it may have been very liquid.
  • When you’re transitioning your baby to more solid foods, you may choose to thicken the consistency of the food.
  • As your baby develops and gets better at feeding themself, they will face challenges, such as dealing with certain foods. Soups are one of those foods that may be difficult for him to provide. Thickening your baby’s food will help it cling to the spoon. This means less spillage and more nutritious food for your child.

What are highly dissolvable solids and thicker purees?

Highly dissolvable solids

Highly dissolvable solids are foods that dissolve quickly when you taste them. These are important for kids to eat since they’re more likely to choke when you serve.

Thicker purees

Thick purees are purees (foods that are blended until smooth and creamy) that stay on the spoon easily. Their consistency is similar to that of Greek yogurt or hummus.

What are the differences between highly dissolvable and thicker purees?

Make sure to offer foods from all major food groups: proteins, grains, vegetables, fruits, and dairy. These purees are labeled as Stage II. If you’ve got a child in your house, you can offer them the following:

  • Protein: Stage II includes purees of meat, beans, and chickpeas.
  • Grains: The infant cereals are fortified with iron
  • Vegetables: Stage II vegetable purees are used to make guacamole.
  • Fruit: Stage II fruits include apples, pears, prunes, and peaches.
  • Dairy: Whole milk yogurt, cream cheese, and soft cheeses can be offered to your son or daughter if they are at least eight months old.

Are there any examples of highly dissolvable Solids?

Here are some foods that can be offered to your baby.

  • There are puffs like Gerber puffs.
  • Some baby cookies are like Zwieback toast.
  • BabyMums teething biscuits are for babies.
  • Fruits and vegetables can be frozen and dried.
  • Graham crackers
  • Plain Cheerios
  • Yogurt melts
  • Snapea Crisps
  • Veggie Stix

When your baby starts eating solid foods, what's normal behavior?

Your son/daughter may show different behaviors while giving them thicker purees and dissolvable solids. Some typical behaviors can be offered with soft solids.

  • The baby can play with food or spit it out.
  • Food is being thrown on the floor.
  • Messiness
  • Wants to provide food for themself.
  • No vomiting, mild gagging.

How can I successfully offer my son/daughter thicker purees and highly dissolvable solids?

If you follow these tips, you can offer your son/daughter dissolvable purees.

  • Give the solid spoon in the baby’s mouth to see how they dissolve. If you see your child eating, you will continue.
  • Offer long and skinny solid food pills that dissolve. This will help your son or daughter eat without hurting themselves, helping them to improve their biting skills.
  • Small pieces of food should be placed on your son or daughter’s cheek. This will help them improve their feeding skills.
  • Your son/ daughter must take small bites.
  • New foods should be offered multiple times. It could take as many as 15 times for your son or daughter to get interested in the food.

Is there a way to add milk to the baby puree?

It would help if you did not keep leftover bottles of formula milk, but it is fine to use freshly prepared formula milk in a recipe or meal you want to freeze and reheat the next day.

If you are making a meal from scratch, you can either heat the milk to just below boiling and then stir it into the recipe, or you can cook it along with the rest of the ingredients and then stir it in at the end. However, be aware that heating milk to a high temperature may cause it to separate, making the mixture less creamy when reheated.

How do you make corn flour to thicken baby food?

Corn flour is used to thicken sauces and gravy. You add it to the liquid and heat it until the flour burns off. To avoid lumping, slowly add flour slurry in a fragile consistency.

Is there a way to make the puree more solid?

Add powdered cereal like Happy Baby Multigrain and NurturMe Quinoa to thicken purees. To make homemade baby food, puree it to the texture of yogurt or pudding or mix in powdered baby cereal to thicken. If your child isn’t eating solid food by 6 months, she’s probably ready for Phase 3. 

Is it possible to use baby rice to make the puree thicker?

You can use baby rice to make the baby’s puree thicker. Boil rice is the best option to add to the baby’s puree.

How do I make sure my baby's puree is smooth?

You can make your baby puree smooth by adding a little water or milk according to the ingredients you use, but you need to ensure that you don’t overdo it, as this can lead to choking hazards. It’s best to add enough water so you can barely see any traces of the puree, but not so much that you have a watery puree. To ensure you’re on the right track, you can always add a little water at a time until you get the right consistency.

How old is a good age to start eating solid foods in babies?

You can start serving solid food to babies after 6 months. The benefits of starting solid food are important for your baby’s overall health. There are many benefits to introducing solids to babies at an early age. First, solids can help your baby’s digestion. Second, they will help your baby develop a strong set of teeth and strong jaw muscles. Third, solids can help you get your baby to sleep better.

Do purees help gain weight for babies?

Purees help babies to gain weight because they are easy to digest. They also help them develop their digestive system.


The easiest way to thicken baby puree is by combining it with milk or water. Make sure to boil the mixture first and then simmer it until it thickens. You can use a hand blender or food processor to grind the ingredients. I like to use a hand blender because it’s much easier than a food processor. The best foods to use are applesauce, bananas, and cooked oatmeal.

I hope this article is helpful for you. If you have any questions, kindly tell me in the comment section. Thanks for visiting 🙂

2 thoughts on “How To Thicken Baby Puree? – 6 Easy Ways & Full Baby’s Puree Guide 2023”

  1. This is a great tip about Thicken Baby Puree especially to those new to the blogosphere. Short but very accurate info… Thanks for sharing this one. A must read post!


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